Metabolic Code Pro Practitioner FAQ

No, we do not sell questionnaires directly through the website. If someone would like a Metabolic Code® Report they must register as a patient with a Metabolic Code practitioner. 

The cost of the reports is up to each practitioner. 

Yes, the assessment questionnaire can be ordered without labs.  A report will be generated independent of lab panel data.

Yes. Previous Questionnaire answers can be “re-used” within a 60 day time period and a new order with labs created to provide a new, updated Report.

Option 1: In this case you would start a New Order for Questionnaire + Labs if there is a valid Questionnaire on file you will have the option to select it and “reuse previous questionnaire.”

Option 2: If the new order was already placed you can go to order details and choose to import the previously completed questionnaire

Height/Weight are the only biometrics that are required. The following are optional, but would affect the report results so best to include when possible: BP-Systolic/Diastolic and Salivary PH.
Once a questionnaire is submitted, the practitioner has 30 days to edit the biometrics. The questions within the questionnaire can not be changed. If the biometrics are changed within this 30day time period a new Metabolic Code report will be generated.

As soon as the patient completes their questionnaire an initial report will be generated by the system.

If you included labs in your order then as soon as the blood results post to our system another report will be generated. 

If the patient doesn’t get their blood drawn in your office it’s important for then to go to a draw center as soon as possible as to not delay the final report. We recommend scheduling a follow up at least 4 weeks after the initial visit. A week before the appointment we recommend checking Pro to make sure they have completed their questionnaire and labs and that there have been no issues. 

If you selected specialty labs this may affect the final report.

Here are some troubleshooting tips that you can talk your patient through:

Make sure you complete all required questions, if you miss a question and try to submit you will get an error.

We recommend using the Chrome browser for the best experience. Make sure browser is up to date. 

Enter height in the follow format: If you are 5 feet 3 inches tall, enter 5.3

Enter weight in whole numbers (using LBS) : for example, if you weigh 135.5 pounds enter the value 136

Check your network connection if the questionnaire doesn’t seem to load

Make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom to click Finish

After you have answered all the questions. The progress bar below will indicate 100% once you have answered all questions.

Please check with the patient to ensure they submitted all answers by clicking the Finish button at the very end of the survey. We find that most of the time they simply didn’t scroll far enough down the page to submit their answers. If you see that all questions have been answered you may submit the questionnaire on behalf of the patient by going to the order details and clicking on “Submit Questionnaire” If patient tries to submit but hasn’t answered all the questions they will get an error – they will need to scroll through to see where they have missed a question.

First, check to see if patient has already completed either the blood draw and/or the questionnaire.

(The draw center will check their DL and/or insurance card and may not draw blood if DOB doesn’t match)

If the questionnaire has been completed, DO NOT cancel the order because that questionnaire can be imported into a new order so the patient doesn’t have to retake the whole thing over again. 

To make the DOB change – edit the patient record in

Then create a new Lab+Questionnaire order and choose the option to reuse the previous questionnaire.

Gender determines which questionnaire they receive and how the results are calculated so it’s important that this information is correct. 

Here are the steps to follow : 

  • Cancel the order
  • Edit the client gender
  • Place the new order 

Q:What if they completed the questionnaire in this order already
A:If the questionnaire was completed please use the support form to submit a support ticket. We will need to cancel this order for you. 

Labs in this order?
-If you have labs linked to this order please see lab FAQ section for more details.

Additional Note:
-If gender is incorrect, the patient will receive the wrong questionnaire and the wrong lab requisition, so it’s very important to triple check gender and DOB before placing a lab order. 

Please also visit our Practitioner Knowledge Base for more in depth step-by-step guides about how to use the assessment platform to order Metabolic Code® reports, as well as how to use the Point-of-Care Platform, Diet Programs, Packages and more! 


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