Ordering Assessments without Labs

Please view video below, or follow the written steps:

  1. From your Dashboard search for the patient’s name and click enter: 

2. When in Patient Profile Overview, select “New Order without Labs”:

3. Once in the New Order page, you will not be required to enter any information. To place the Order and have the Questionnaire link emailed to the patients, please select “Submit”:

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Metabolic Code® is a personalized health evaluation program that creates a precise plan of action for people to live and feel better.

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Our cloud-based point-of-care system makes it easy to manage patient information, generate personalized wellness plans, and deliver health products right to your patient’s doorstep.

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Experience what so many others have done to rapidly improve their health and vitality long-term. We have lifestyle programs created for people with all types of goals and dietary needs.